The Hidden Risk of Getting Insurance Online
It is widely accepted that in any buying decision process, there are always three categories you can pick from. Fast , cheap and high quality. The problem is that you only get to pick two of the three.
The appeal of going with the fast and easy way out is obvious. Purchasing on the web or dialing the 1-800 number may seem like a perfect way to cross off the task and move on with your day.
However, there are a few points you may not have considered that we’ll briefly talk about now. Without further ado, here are 3 things to consider before you buy that policy online.
1. When you purchase online, you now have to be the expert
When you dial the 1-800 number or go to a website to get insurance, you have eliminated the local agent from the process. One factor many people overlook is the fact that you have eliminated the person from your insurance decision who you can hold accountable. You will have fun holding an app or even a call center accountable if something turns out incorrect with your policy coverage.
Hidden Risk : If you purchaseonline and there’s a error, that’s on you.
2. When you buy online, there is no one to advocate for your best interests in a claim
When people are shopping insurance, no one thinks they are going to have problems if there is a claim. Conversely, most people assume that they’ll never experience a claim so that possibility never occurs to them. They are basically looking for insurance that they doesnt hurt their wallet. They don’t factor what comes with fast and cheap parts. Online sites and 1-800 companies can be fast and cheap by cutting the personal agent out of the loop. I know many of these have local agents, but that’s not where the bulk of their business come from.
That means that in every buying or service transaction, you have to log in online, or call into a call center. You have to chat with someone who doesn’t know you personally, doesn’t care about you, and has no reason to go out of their way for you. The customer is one more in a long list of voices that day on the other end of their phone. Regardless if the cunsumer needs insurance ASAP, or they want their demand their claim gets paid now, they’re just more faceless sounds flowing into the reps ear. Either way, once the call is ended, the rep will notate the file, move it onto the next queue, and take another call. How often is that call center rep going to proactively reach out to you to check how your current claim is going?
Hidden Risk : Buying insurance online, leaves you fending for yourself to resolve a claim.
3. When you buy online, you've decided you dont value your time much.
You may not realize this if you’ve never accidently clicked on a banner ad propositioning you with quotes from 20 insurance companies sent right to your email. Nearly all online and 1-800 companies only offer quotes from their own, in-house company options. If you fill out a form to get quotes from multiple companies at the same time, you are guaranteed that a company is selling your information as a “lead.” You can expect to get BLOWN UP by anywhere from six to twenty or more insurance agents who want to sell you something. Sounds like fun, right? So, your choices are limited to getting a quote from one company at a time, or choosing to be sold as cannon fodder to a hoard of insurance sales agents who buy leads for a living.
Hidden Risk : If you buy insurance online, it’s either extremely time consuming and repetitive, or you get to play the “Not interested” game about twenty times
A Better Choice: Work with a well-equipped, local independent insurance broker
When you choose to work with an independent insurance agent near you, you win in several different ways. You gain an advisor, who will personally assist with your insurance search, and deliver carefully tailored options to fit your needs. You also gain an advocate, who will be there to help and lend a hand when that bad day comes along and you need to file a claim.
It’s important to do a little homework before you start calling people. Everyone will be eager to win your business, and say all the right things. Make sure you are using your resources. Go to Google and search for the agent near you who has the most 5 Star Reviews and read through a few of them. Ask for personal recommendations on social media.
If you’re reading this, we’d love to connect with you and show you a better way to shop your insurance. Stop now and call our office at 330-877-2323.
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